Tracie Howe Photography – Seattle Wedding Photographer | Seattle elopement photographer | Destination wedding and elopement photographer | Pacific Northwest wedding and elopement photographer | Family and lifestyle photographer | Travel photographer based in Seattle. » Seattle destination wedding and travel photographer. Specializing in documentary and candid photography for adventurous souls wanting a destination wedding or elopement. I love working with mountain-climbing, sea-loving, travel-wanderlusting free-spirits, and I hope you will contact me for your next adventure!

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Kathryn and Jennifer – Seattle engagement photography | SAM Olympic Sculpture Park

What a bright and beautiful day for this Seattle engagement photography session with two equally bright and beautiful ladies! To quote one of their Facebook friends, they have that “exuberant love” that can’t help but be captured easily. So, yes, I had an easy time photographing these two and an even easier time hanging out and getting to know them better. They are such a delight and I can’t wait to photograph their wedding at the newish Fremont Mischief Distillery this summer!

Seattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture Parkpinimagefun Seattle engagement photography Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture ParkpinimageSeattle engagement session Olympic Sculpture Parkpinimage

Their story will be a long and beautiful one. Here it is, so far, in their words:


•           How did you first meet?

Kathryn’s version:  “At the end of 2011 I was just finishing up an internship for school and contemplating when to close my online dating account before heading up to Bellingham for 3 months in the new year. As luck, no… as destiny would have it, before I’d gotten the chance to close the account I got a message from cute girl with a knack for writing her way into my heart before we’d even met. Fortunately for me, after meeting in person Jennifer proved to be 97 times more awesome than anyone could have ever described in words alone.”

Jen’s version: “I saw Kathryn online. I thought she was beautiful, looked fun, looked happy, and had great dimples. So I invited her to meet me for a drink at a pub that turned out to be right around the corner from her house. I had such a good time that asked her out again even before the date ended (and even though I started out the date awkwardly… with a formal handshake).”


•           If you feel comfortable, please tell a funny story that happened while you were dating.

Kathryn: “I told Jen I loved her for the first time while we were dancing to… Wilson Philips.”

Jen: “It wasn’t just that it was Wilson Philips, it was that it was the final scene of Bridesmaids.”


•           When did you know he/she was the one? Was there something that he/she did or said?

Kathryn: “Well yeah. She was willing to dance with me to Wilson Philips. And after many more months of dance parties, I knew I wanted many more years.”

Jen: “I knew very early, but I knew I couldn’t tell Kathryn for a while because I figured it would probably freak her out. It wasn’t one thing in particular, it’s that Kathryn is the first person that I can totally be myself with and it feels awesome to know that my partner is such a great friend. I could see myself being with her for a very long time.”


•           Please tell the story of the proposal.

Jen: “I knew that it was coming, because we’d talked about the possibility, but I thought it was several months away. I definitely wasn’t expecting it that day. We had a casual day in Ballard, ate burgers – not the stuff you think of for a proposal. But then we started wandering around the Ballard locks at dusk, and suddenly she pulled out a speaker, started playing a song and proposed. I was so surprised and so excited. And then we had a dance party in the locks, which was pretty great. Maybe the best part, though, was immediately afterward, we went straight to our engagement party, which she had planned with some of our dearest friends. It was amazing to celebrate with them, especially since I was still in shock!”

Kathryn: “I was lucky enough to have had Jen say yes to my proposal, so I definitely wasn’t expecting that several weeks later on a weekend trip to Bellingham, she would propose back to me. It was amazing to have the experience reciprocated, and part of me was just glad that everyone got to experience what it’s like to ask and be asked, because it’s so incredible.”


•           What do you love about your engagement shoot locations(s)?

Kathryn: “I love that there’s natural beautiful mixed with art, so there’s fun spaces to create the kind of wedding that we are going to have, which is with an urban feel as well as with a natural feel. And, I love that we were graced with a beautiful day, a day that we could stay out and have fun.”

Jen: “One of our earliest dates was at our engagement shoot location, and it was a date during which Kathryn and I started opening up to each other and getting to know each other better. So, it’s a special location for me.”


Kathryn and Jennifer, I’m so looking forward to your wedding!





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  • May 9, 2013 - 4:34 pm

    Catherine - I love so much about this session! You have captured so much amazing emotion from this couple. Such great use of the sculptures. Can’t wait to see more from you!ReplyCancel

  • May 11, 2013 - 5:40 pm

    Tracie Howe - Thanks!ReplyCancel

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