Tag Archives: suggestions

A dating profile portrait session with pazazz, AKA a Signature Personality Portrait
A dating profile portrait session with pazazz, AKA a Signature Personality Portrait

Tuesday’s Tip for better photos #5
Tuesday’s Tip #5: Get in close! This can mean different things for different subjects, but it will

April Showers stock photo shoot
April showers bring May flowers, but in this stock photo shoot, it was not the case. I tried for both, but the sun was

Photos from back East
I just returned from a trip to Virginia, where I grew up, to visit family and a handful of friends. The bonus for this

Tuesday’s Tip for better photos #1
Let me introduce you to the first Tuesday’s Tip for better photos! In my Facebook poll, when asked what you would

“Be Mine” stock photo session
As you may know by now, this year I will be doing a monthly stock photo session. To learn more about the project or to