Tracie Howe Photography – Seattle Wedding Photographer | Seattle elopement photographer | Destination wedding and elopement photographer | Pacific Northwest wedding and elopement photographer | Family and lifestyle photographer | Travel photographer based in Seattle. » Seattle destination wedding and travel photographer. Specializing in documentary and candid photography for adventurous souls wanting a destination wedding or elopement. I love working with mountain-climbing, sea-loving, travel-wanderlusting free-spirits, and I hope you will contact me for your next adventure!

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I have been slacking, yes. BUT, I have a valid excuse! I just moved and I am still in a state of transition. Not only that, but I have been unable to connect to the internet through my own computer (that has everything important on it) at my new location through the new router. The good news is that I am upgrading my laptop to be able to connect. The best news is that, in addition to my upgrade, I am buying an iMac! That’s a quad core i7 27″ screen, baby! I wish it was a matte screen though 🙁 .

I’m super excited about finally being able to process my photos fast! It’s been a long time coming. That means that I will be able to take on way more projects and post more often! I am getting a free iPod Touch along with it, so thanks Apple! I am debating on an iPhone purchase too, but I think the iPod Touch will at least suffice for the time being.

Anyway, I’m pretty excited about these new toys. They will serve me much better in posting new content here and on my Facebook fan page: . Heck, I might even join Twitter at this rate.

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