Tracie Howe Photography – Seattle Wedding Photographer | Seattle elopement photographer | Destination wedding and elopement photographer | Pacific Northwest wedding and elopement photographer | Family and lifestyle photographer | Travel photographer based in Seattle. » Seattle destination wedding and travel photographer. Specializing in documentary and candid photography for adventurous souls wanting a destination wedding or elopement. I love working with mountain-climbing, sea-loving, travel-wanderlusting free-spirits, and I hope you will contact me for your next adventure!

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Northlake Wedding Tour – planting your swag bag gift

If you were one of the first 50 attendees at the Northlake Wedding Tour, then I have some information regarding your gift. As much as I love this earth and care for the environment, the thing I’m really missing is a green thumb! This water-wise mix was recommended by the knowledgable staff at Swanson’s Nursery, so I hope it serves you well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find small enough bulbs for convenient Fall planting, so I was left with limited options. Please wait until Spring to plant these! Details on this mix and how to plant and care for them, can be found here:

Enjoy! And thanks for planting!

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