Tracie Howe Photography – Seattle Wedding Photographer | Seattle elopement photographer | Destination wedding and elopement photographer | Pacific Northwest wedding and elopement photographer | Family and lifestyle photographer | Travel photographer based in Seattle. » Seattle destination wedding and travel photographer. Specializing in documentary and candid photography for adventurous souls wanting a destination wedding or elopement. I love working with mountain-climbing, sea-loving, travel-wanderlusting free-spirits, and I hope you will contact me for your next adventure!

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Being a wedding guest

Part of last weekend was spent attending another wedding, but this time as a guest. It’s hard to resist jumping in to take a picture when you aren’t the hired professional. It’s hard for me, as I’m sure it is for anyone with a camera. And everyone has some form of a camera these days. Being all too familiar with that irresistible desire makes it even harder for me, as the hired professional, to ask guests to refrain from taking pictures while I am doing my thing. No one wants a family photo with each member looking at 5 different cameras! I do feel bad so I only lay down the law when I need to get those essential, time limited shots, and I try to get them over with quickly so that everyone has a chance, but sometimes it’s just not possible.

So last weekend, I waited patiently for my chance to take a few nice shots of the couple. It was actually kind of nice to relax with my friends and to SIT down! I did observe the other photographer while sitting comfortably in my chair. I am constantly learning and wanting to try new techniques. I liked the way he lit the room with a raised strobe behind a softbox while he moved all around with his mobile flash.  I’ll have to look into that! Anyway, it was a fun time and I even got to visit and take pictures of the tulips the next day since we were up in Mount Vernon! I spent the rest of Sunday editing photos from the Orcas Island wedding. Not a bad weekend!

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